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Tuition Cost Guide

So it’s time for you to go to college. You will be learning valuable life and academic skills that will remain with you forever. However, regardless of how valuable these skills are, there is a price tag on them and they may be the deciding factor in where you attend college. Here is a short England tuition cost guide to help you make up your mind.
living expensesTuitionTuition for full time undergraduate work will vary depending on the school. According to the tuition guide at, your maximum bill will be £3,225. However, it also states that your exact fees will depend on the region, school, and program you choose.If you are a resident in England or a European Union national, you will pay a home fee of £1150 per year for undergraduate work. Overseas student tuition ranges from around £6,000 to £18,000. Graduate tuition for overseas students runs about £500 to £2,000 more.

Thinking of just going part time? The website says, “There are no regulations stating how much universities or colleges can charge in tuition fees for most part-time courses.” This may mean that full time is a better option for you depending on your circumstances.used textbooks


It is difficult to say how much books will cost, but if you are on a tight budget try books from discount textbook sites on the internet. They will likely be used, but one advantage to used books is the writing in them!

Living Expenses

This is one of the most variable of all your costs. If you are not living in the dormitory, you will need to research the cost of quarters in the area around your school of choice. Don’t forget to add in expenses for food, entertainment, any insurance you will need, and maybe a chunk for unforeseen medical expenses.


You can’t afford to leave out the small things. Here is a short list of items to include when working out your budget for the academic year.

• Travel to and from campus
• Moving expenses
• Autos–insurance, fuel, maintenance
• Phone and internet
• Clothing, household items
• Groceries and toiletries

Of course you may have some individual needs to add to this list, but think everything through carefully and leave yourself no surprises. Plan your expenses so that you are not left in the middle of your academic year with no funds.

tuition cost